The story behind


Founder Maria Cristina Montiel

When creativity meets determination, magic happens. In the realm of creative innovation, MCM CREATIVE shines as a testament to this enchanting combination. Let’s embark on a journey through time and inspiration to uncover the captivating story behind MCM CREATIVE, the brainchild of Maria Cristina Montiel.

The Birth of MCM CREATIVE: A Vision Takes Shape

Every great brand has an equally great story behind it, and MCM CREATIVE is no exception. It all started with the initials “MCM” – the initials of the visionary founder, Maria Cristina Montiel. Blending her initials with the word “creative” was a stroke of genius that perfectly encapsulated her passion and dedication to the creative fields.

It all started with the initials MCM – the initials of the visionary founder, Maria Cristina Montiel.

Maria Cristina’s journey into the world of creativity began with a deep-seated love for art, design, and innovation. Her childhood was marked by endless hours spent sketching, crafting, and dreaming. As she grew, so did her fascination with the boundless possibilities of creative expression.

The Spark of Inspiration

The true essence of any brand lies in the inspiration that fuels it. For Maria Cristina, it was the realization that creativity had the power to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. She was inspired by the idea of making creativity accessible to all, breaking down the barriers that often hindered people from pursuing their artistic passions.

Overcoming Challenges: Forging Ahead

Building a brand from scratch is never without its challenges. Maria Cristina faced her fair share of obstacles along the way. From the complexities of starting a business to the ever-evolving creative landscape, each challenge served as a stepping stone towards growth. She remained resolute, driven by her unwavering belief in the power of creativity.

Dreams for the Future: A World of Possibilities

As we journey into the future, Maria Cristina Montiel’s dreams for MCM CREATIVE are as vibrant and limitless as her creativity. She envisions a world where innovation knows no bounds, and where artistry flourishes in every corner. Where you can be a jack of all trades, and master of the universe. Where there is a place for interdisciplinary  arts, not only focused concentrations. 

MCM CREATIVE stands as a testament to the extraordinary heights one can reach when passion and creativity intertwine. Join us in celebrating the journey of Maria Cristina Montiel, the creative force behind MCM CREATIVE.

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